
Are you ready to M3? Register now for the M3 Fall Kick-Off Series

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The M3 Continuous Program Improvement cycle is an annual process that supports afterschool youth programs to use data for program improvement.  Any afterschool program in Minnesota can participate!  We are hosting a two-part M3 Kick-off series that is perfect for both those who are new to M3 and experienced M3ers who want to get ready for the 2023-2024 cycle with others.  Check out the sessions below to learn which is right for you!

Learn more about the M3 Continuous Program Improvement Cycle here.

The 2023-2024 M3 CPI Cycle Kick-off Series is a partnership between Ignite Afterschool, Minneapolis Youth Coordinating Board, Sprockets, and United Way of Central Minnesota's Partner for Student Success

Funding is provided by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education using federal funding, CFDA 84.425U, American Rescue Plan Act, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund and from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.