Check out these go-to resources to get started implementing effective afterschool STEM practices in your program.
Professional Development (PD)
Click2Science. An interactive, professional development site for trainers, coaches, site directors and frontline staff/volunteers working in afterschool STEM programs, serving children and youth. It features video learning modules and materials that guide you through how to plan and implement STEM activities that build specific STEM skills in youth participants.
Minnesota STEM Teacher Center - SciMathMN. Includes resources and frameworks designed to help Minnesota teachers incorporate the state science and math standards into their practices and curriculum.
SciEd PD Resources - Science Museum of Minnesota. Though targeted towards school teachers, these STEM PD resources from the Science Museum of Minnesota are a good option if you want to explore more intensive, in-person STEM PD opportunities for your program staff.
STEMMentors Toolkit - OregonASK. The STEM Mentoring Toolkit is a manual to help programs and organizations engage, train, and sustain STEM volunteer and mentor relationships with STEM professionals.