Young Nonprofit Leaders Club
YNLC is your chance to build your public and nonprofit leadership skills. We will go beyond youth work skills to focus on the skills you need to play other key roles at youth-serving nonprofits.

1) Young adults roughly between 18-24 who are passionate about supporting young people in the public and nonprofit sector.
2) Young adult leaders who want to better understand what it takes to lead and work in management roles in the nonprofit sector. Ignite Afterschool is committed to addressing systemic inequities based on race. Racial equity must be intentionally advanced and nonprofit organizations need to have diverse and representative leadership that reflects the communities they work with and for. We are committed to ensure that Black, Indigenous and Young People of Color have supportive environments to learn, grow and lead. YNLC is open to all young adult leaders with a priority to include young BIPOC leaders. Stipends are available for young leaders whose home organization can not pay you to attend YNLC sessions.
1) Apply to join the Young Nonprofit Leaders Club through using this application by Februrary 8 th, 2024.
2) Come together with a group of up to 20 young leaders
- Meet four times for 2-hour sessions in person
- Meet twice for 6-hour sessions in-person
- Attend 60min, virtual check in sessions
- Work or volunteer at a youth leadership or youth services focused nonprofit or public sector program so you can connect what you are learning back to your real life!
- Feb 28 th 10:30-12:30 – What it means to be mission-driven
- March 8 th 10:30-2:30 – Learn facilitation and group process skills
- March 15 th – virtual check in
- April 19th 10:30-12:30 – building personal leadership skills
- May 17 th – virtual check in
- June 7 th 10:30-12:30 – decision making structures in nonprofits
- June 28 th – virtual check in
- July 19 th 10:30-12:30 – nonprofit strategic planning
- August 2 nd – virtual check in
- August 16 th 10:30 – 2:30 Nonprofit budgeting and organizational policies