Ignite Summer Toolkit: ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Final Thoughts & Thanks

Hand & Heart

We hope this Summer Toolkit has inspired you to

Dream Big & Do Big for young people this summer.

We are grateful to our friends at The Learning Agenda for lending evidence-based resources from The Wallace Foundation and ExpandED Schools | NYC Summer Rising to inform this Ignite Summer Toolkit.

Special funding to build the Toolkit was provided by MDE 21st CCLCSTEMNext and the CS Mott Foundation.

When the Minnesota Department of Education and Ignite Afterschool came together to create a toolkit specific to Minnesota, our goals were to:

  • simplify high-quality summer program planning,
  • infuse best practices in the field, and
  • inspire engaging, enriching, academic, and FUN summer programming.

How did we do?

Show us by getting out there and leaning into passions and interests, having fun, and doing things differently this summer. You got this!

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P.S. If you’re ready to really scale up your summer planning process, you might want to take a deep dive into this awesome in-depth planning resource from Wallace Foundation.

P.P.S. Have you created your Beyond the Bell account? Do it! You’ll get free online access to 100+ fantastic hands-on planning tools.

Happy dreaming and doing big!



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